Ми пишаємося тим, що виконуємо цілі сталого розвитку, зокрема:
забезпечити здоров'я та добробут усім у будь-якому віці
зменшити нерівність в межах країн та всередині них
Допомагаючи створити сприятливі умови для здоров'я та добробуту, ми робимо свій внесок у стале соціальне розвиток нашої країни

What is a social bond, social bonds (social bonds , bonds of social influence) are debt securities, the proceeds of which are placed to finance projects with a positive social effect The issuer of social bonds can be a state organization , not a commercial one institution or a private...

Ukrainian company Advin developed medical VR simulator for rehabilitation , which has help military and civilian with amputees limbs deal with phantoms pains
On body the patient set special sensors which give possibility control a 3D avatar. Clinical trial show that VR therapy raises motor functions patients by 20% and...

The history of our foundation is a story of hope, collective dedication, and a commitment to making the world a better place. This story began in the distant past when the need arose to assist those who had lost more than one can imagine—those who had become victims of war....

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